Caleb Acton M.T.S.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy

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Linda Adamson Ed.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Education

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Jessika Ahlberg MSW, LCSW

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Human Services

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Brian Albright Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor of Business and Management

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Cora A. Alley M.A.

Adjunct Associate Professor of English

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Onleilove Alston

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

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Joann Anderson MA TESOL

Adjunct Instructor of Education

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| x1411

Lynne Baab

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Associate Professor of Business and Management

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| x1269

Barbara Barr

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Robert Barrett

Adjunct Instructor of Music

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Tamara Beeuwsaert

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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David Biniasz

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Tad C. Blacketer

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Lindsay Blume M.S.

Assistant Professor of Education

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| x1243

Laura S. Brislawn M.S.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics

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Shaun Brown

Adjunct Associate Professor of Theology

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Deondre Bryant MA MFT

Assistant Professor of Psychology & Counseling

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| x1252

Heather Burrow

Adjunct Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

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Michael Cahill

Adjunct Associate Professor of Bible and Youth Ministry

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Suzan Carlson

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics

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Danon Carter D.M.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Karen Clark Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Education; Associate Professor of Liberal Studies

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| x1263

Dale Conjurski MBA

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Elizabeth Cooper-Reelhorn M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Kelly D. Dagley Ph.D.

Chair, Biblical Studies; Professor of Biblical Studies

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| x1229

Kimberly Debenedetto

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Corrine DeWitt M.Min.

Assistant Professor of Education and Credential Analyst

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| x2624

Doug Domene Ed.D.

Professor of Education

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| x2410

Steven D. Edgington Ph.D.

Vice President, Academic Affairs; Professor of History

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| x1250

Steve Edgington, Ph.D., was appointed Vice President for Academic Affairs in February 2021. Dr. Edgington provided superb leadership to the College of Arts and Sciences since its inception in 2011.

Fay Ellwood Ph.D.

Associate Professor of English

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| x1315

Jimmie Flores

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Erin Galaviz M.S.

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology

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Benjamin Garcia

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and English

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Michael Goldsworthy

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Mallory Grismer

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Linguistics

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Jeffrey Hannan

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Julie Hatchel

Adjunct Associate Professor of Education

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Nancy Henderson M.Ed.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Wil Hernandez

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

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Adele Heuer

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Natalie Hewitt Ph.D.

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Chair, English Department; Professor of English

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| x3280

Kevin M. Hill Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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John Hoetker

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

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Wm Curtis Holtzen D.Th.

Professor of Theology; Professor of Philosophy

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Jennifer Ingram

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Human Services

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Crystal Ishihara

Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Nicole Jahne D.P.T.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Physical Therapy

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Kimberly Jaramillo M.A.

Head Athletic Trainer; Adjunct Assistant Professor of Kinesiology

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| x1214

Jeremy Jernigan

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry

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Wesley Jessup M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Art History

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Frank Jimenez

Co-Chair, Traditional Undergraduate Students; Associate Professor of Business and Management

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| x1277

Eva Jimenez

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Janet Johnson D.Min.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

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Jessica Journeay

Chair, Communication Studies; Associate Professor of Communication Studies

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Rachel Judy

Assistant Professor of Communication

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| x1268

Sandra Kavanaugh M.A.

Associate Professor of Mathematics

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| x4003

Megan Kendrick Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of History

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James Kissi-Ayittey Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies

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Lydia Knopf Ph.D.

Dean, College of Business & Management; Chair, Traditional Undergraduate Program; Associate Professor of Business and Management

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| x1267

Mark Krause

Adjunct Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Robert D. Kuest M.Div, D.Min.

Adjunct Professor of Ministry

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Kevin Larter M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Vivian Lawrence

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music

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Jason Lecureux

Adjunct Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

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John Mark Lindvall M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management.

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Kevin (Kip) P. Lines Ph.D.

Adjunct Professor of Intercultural Studies

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Asia Lockett-Morse Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Marketing and Management

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| x1255

Richard J. Lopez Ed.D

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Erin Lurker

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Jon Mann M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Mark Matson Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

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Thomas Mattson

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communication

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Karen McReynolds M.A.

Assistant Professor of Science

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| x1625

Paul R. McReynolds Ph.D.

Senior Professor of Biblical Studies

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Charis Meyer M.A., J.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Dawn Miller

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Jeremy Miselbrook D.Th.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

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Terry Morrow

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Steven B. Naslund M.B.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Bill Nelson M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry

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Jacquelyn Nethers M.A.

Associate Professor of Social Science

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| x1248

Pamela Newton M.S.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Melissa Nuno M.S.

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology

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| x1216

Andrew Paine M.B.A.

Chair, Online Undergraduate Program; Associate Professor of Business and Management

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| x1247

Kira Pate Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology

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Wesley Peacock

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics

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Brandon Pendergraft M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology

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Robbie Phillips D. Min.

Chair, Church Ministry; Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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| x1297

Kasey Philyaw Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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| x1272

James Price D. Min.

Adjunct Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Donovan Raitt

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry and Worship Arts

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Kathryn G. Ralston M.S.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Lester Reams J.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Jennifer Rich M.A., M.L.I.S.

Systems and Technical Services Librarian; Assistant Professor of Education

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| x1218

KC Richardson Ph.D.

Professor of History

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| x1222

Robb C. Ring D.Min.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Human Development; Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

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Ben Roberson Ed.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Education

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Philemon Roh

Adjunct Associate Professor of English

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Juwairiyah Sabir D.B.A.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Stephen Salyards

Adjunct Professor of Science

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Bryan Sands

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry

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Brett Sanner D.Min.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

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Todd Sayers M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry

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Samuel Semanda

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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Rob Shah Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Joshua Shoden MS, MBA

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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| x1280

Amarjit Singh Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Jamie Sinnott M.S.W.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Human Services

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Trevor Smith M.S.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Science

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Rochelle Smith

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communication

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Laureen Smith

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Jeremiah Smith M.A.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Laura Steele Psy.D.

Dean, College of Psychology and Counseling; Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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| x1235

Russell H. Stevens Ph.D., M.B.A., C.M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Nancy Stichter M.S.

Assistant Professor of Education

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| x1264

Mark Stichter

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

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Michael Strickland Ph.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Jeff Swaney

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Angela Taylor MSW

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Human Services

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Rick Terry M.M.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music

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Matt Thompson

Worship Arts Director; Associate Professor of Music and Worship

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| x1285

Stephen Tierney CPA, MST

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business and Management

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Tiffaney A. Tiffin M.A.

Adjunct Associate Professor of English

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Carl Toney Ph.D.

Dean, Pacific Christian College of Ministry and Biblical Studies; Chair, Graduate Ministry Program; Professor of Biblical Studies

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| x1204

Lisa Huber Toney M. Div.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry

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Philip Towne Ph.D.

Chair, Intercultural Studies; Professor of Intercultural Studies and Ministry

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| x1284

Marisol Trapp M.Div.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Geoffrey VanderPal

Adjunct Associate Professor of Business and Management

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Teresa Vitelli M.Ed.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Kimberly Voge M.Ed.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Denise Wallace Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling

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| x1231

Rick Walston D. Min.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Ministry

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Tyler Watson J.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Political Science

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George West Ed.D.

Adjunct Professor of Education

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J. Blair Wilgus Ph.D.

Chair, Online Undergraduate Ministry Program; Professor of Biblical Studies

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Ember Williams

Adjunct Instructor of Music

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Jeremy Wilson

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Cory Witt M.Ed.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Education

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Joyce Lee Yang Ed.D.

Dean, College of Education

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| x2411

Jacqueline York M.Ed.

Associate Professor of Education

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| x2409

Allen Young M.Div.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of General Studies

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James Yuile M.A.

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Ministry and Biblical Studies

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Toby Yurek J.D.

Adjunct Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

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